When Thierry requested IGS to find him an internship at a top human resources firm we knew a challenge lay ahead. HR is a tough field to crack. Furthermore, Thierry listed Los Angeles as his dream location.
HR in LA. Oh Boy. We had our work cut out for us. A recent graduate from the University of Maryland, Thierry was no eighteen-year-old looking for a summer gig. He was a twenty-two-year-old man ready to start an HR career. After days of research, our team narrowed down the possible companies. Despite Thierry’s impressive resume, the rejections came pouring in. Just as we feared, HR execs know how to find their own people. That’s why they are in HR! Arrghh.
“All we need is one!” was the battle cry in our internship war room.
We parsed our list down to five firms. Three had already sent rejections and two had yet to reply. We got on the phone and cold-called all five. No. no. no. no. . . . maybe! But this wasn’t just any maybe; the owner of this maybe had published books on HR and was well-known in Tinsel Town. We coached Thierry on how to write a letter geared specifically to her company. Sent. Days passed. Nothing. Then it came.